martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

The Bomber Jacket

¡¡Hola a todos!! ¿Como están pasando esta semana? Yo felizmente :-)

Estoy con los preparativos del primer añito de mi bebe!!!!!! (es emocionante) Tengo mucho por contarles... Pero no me quiero desviar del tema puntual de hoy!

Es acerca de una chaqueta. La chaqueta "Bomber"; Se acuerdan que en los 80 se usaban unas camperas en particular??

Algo asi miren...

No se asusten... Esta misma chaqueta, se reinvento!!! Y hoy mas que nunca la tenemos que tener presente para nuestro armario. Esta pisando fuerte.

A decir verdad, siempre fue una prenda mas llevada por los hombres, una prenda masculina, pero hoy en dia, las mujeres son las que están dándole mayor prioridad en los outfits.

Otra cosa que cambio en comparación de otras épocas, es la combinación. Siempre se la vio como una campera mas sport, combinada hasta con pantalones de gimnasia. Pero hoy, les traigo un post inspiración para que vean las muchas combinaciones que puede tener, y hasta ser elegante!!

Como distinguimos que es un bomber
se ajustan los puños y la cintura. También se puede ver la "falta de cuello" ya que tienen cuello redondo.

Acá, mi selección de los mejores outfits para ustedes!! 
Looks casuales, y también mas elegantes de la mano de Olivia Palermo & Jessica Alba

Chicos!! No me olvide de ustedes...

Espero les haya gustado mi selección y puedan inspirarse a la hora de armar su vestuario!!


Hasta el próximo post...


1 comentario:

  1. I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka

    I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka
